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How to use Light to thrive in menopause: seven simple steps for your circadian clock

Throughout our lives, we encounter various stages and transitions, each carrying its own unique experiences. While some transitions are smooth and joyous, others can present challenges that force us to confront the passage of time. Among these stages, one stands out as a particularly demanding and perplexing phase for women.

Enter: menopause.

What is menopause?

Menopause – a natural phase that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive journey and the pinnacle of wisdom. It’s a time of transition, but unfortunately, it often brings along a whole bunch of physical and emotional symptoms that can really shake up a woman’s life.

Now, here’s the thing: we’ve all heard the common belief that suffering through miserable menopausal symptoms is just part of the deal. Well, guess what? It doesn’t have to be! Turns out, there’s another piece to the puzzle that’s been flying under the radar: light.

In this blog post, we’re going to dive into the fascinating world of how light impacts menopause. Trust me, it’s a game-changer. We’ll uncover how women can harness the power of light to their advantage and make this phase of life a little more manageable. So, let’s get started and shed some light on menopause!

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life that marks the end of her reproductive capacity but also, the heap/peak of wisdom. While it is a normal transition, it often comes with various physical and emotional symptoms that can significantly impact a woman’s quality of life.

Contrary to popular beliefs and mainstream medical advice, having symptoms that make your life miserable while you’re in menopause isn’t normal. While factors like nutrition and lifestyle choices are well-known contributors to menopausal symptoms, researchers have recently discovered another important factor: light.

Let’s get into the impact of light on menopause and how women can use it to their advantage.

Circadian Rhythm

So, we’re talking about how light – yes, simple everyday light – can have a big impact on something like menopause. Crazy, right? Now, let’s dig in a bit.

You know how we all have this 24-hour rhythm, like an internal body clock? That’s called our circadian rhythm. This is tied super close to the cycles of daylight and nighttime we experience daily. Basically, it causes all sorts of changes in our bodies and behavior.

You’ve seen the different colors of a sunrise or sunset, right? That’s not all the sun has to offer. It also has invisible stuff like ultraviolet (UV) and infrared light. These all play a different role on our bodies and show up (or not) at different times of the day. It’s through this delicate dance of light frequencies that our body figures out what time it is and what our cells should be doing.

Speaking of cells, did you know each one in your body has its own little clock? They know just when to do their thing for everything to work right. This circadian rhythm is at its best when we’re outdoors, experiencing the day-to-night light change.

But, here’s where things get a bit tricky. You know that blue light from your phone or laptop? Or the late-night TV binge-watching? They expose us to a small portion of the light spectrum or wrong frequencies at the wrong time. And this, my friend, can throw our bodies for a loop!

“Every single cell in our body possesses an internal clock, dictating their specific functions at precise moments.”

Let’s chat about what happens when our circadian rhythm gets out of whack because we’re not spending enough time outside in nature. It’s a bit like all the cells in our body losing their personal alarm clocks, messing up the timing for their jobs. Picture an airport without an air traffic controller – complete chaos, right? In our bodies, this chaos leads to something called inflammation.

Now, think about something like menopause with all its hormonal changes. It’s actually managed by this same circadian rhythm. A little bit of time outside, soaking up the natural daylight, can help everything run smoother during this change.

Unfortunately, many of us ladies today are missing out on this connection with nature. This throws off our circadian rhythm and makes the menopause journey tougher. We end up dealing with all sorts of unpleasant stuff, like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, fatigue, and even weight gain. Yikes!

But hey, don’t worry! It doesn’t have to be this way. Let’s dive deeper into how light impacts menopause and how you can use this knowledge to make things a little easier on yourself.


Menopause is all about the hormonal changes happening inside your body. The main players here are estrogen and progesterone, which are responsible for regulating your menstrual cycle and supporting fertility. But as you reach your late 40s or early 50s, your ovaries start producing fewer and fewer of these hormones, leading to the end of menstruation and the onset of menopause.

Now, here’s the cool part: your body has a backup plan! Your adrenal glands kick in to produce small amounts of sex hormones to help ease the transition. These hormones are crucial for keeping your body healthy and youthful. Your mitochondria, those energy factories in your cells, even produce a hormone called pregnenolone, which acts as the raw material for cortisol and sex hormones.

“Chronic stressor – artificial blue light – impedes our hormone production”

But guess what messes things up? Yep, chronic stressors like artificial blue light. They force your body to convert pregnenolone into cortisol instead of sex hormones. As a result, instead of experiencing a gradual decline in sex hormones, you might face a sudden drop. And that, my friend, is when those troublesome menopausal symptoms like fatigue, hot flashes, and night sweats come barging in. Oh, and let’s not forget that artificial light messes with your melatonin production, leading to sleep problems too.

So, there you have it. Hormonal imbalances caused by artificial blue light can wreak havoc during menopause. But don’t worry, we’re going to show you how to tackle this issue and reclaim control over your hormones and sleep. Stay tuned.


Let’s talk about melatonin, the superstar hormone that plays a crucial role in menopause and overall health.

Melatonin is like a multitasking superhero. It’s involved in promoting health and making the transition into menopause smoother. This hormone is well-known for its impressive range of benefits, like fighting cancer, reducing inflammation, acting as an antioxidant, slowing down aging, and even helping with tissue regeneration. Talk about a powerhouse!

Now, melatonin has earned the nickname “hormone of darkness” for a reason. Its production kicks in when our eyes and skin get some exposure to sunlight. After being produced, melatonin gets stored in different parts of our body and is released into the bloodstream during periods of darkness, like at night. This is when it does its magic on our target tissues.

But here’s the thing: the presence of artificial blue light after sunset messes with our melatonin stores. Depending on the light sources around us, the suppression of melatonin can be as high as a whopping 98%. That’s a serious risk! It can lead to problems like sun damage, fatigue, and even diseases like cancer. Plus, it messes with our sleep quality, which only makes those menopausal symptoms worse and throws our hormonal system out of whack.

“Melatonin synthesis happens when our eyes and skin get exposed to sunlight. But its storage gets compromised by the presence of artificial blue light after sunset. “

So, what can we do to optimize our melatonin levels? Well, spending time outdoors during daylight hours is a great way to help with melatonin storage. And to protect those melatonin stores, it’s important to minimize our exposure to artificial blue light after the sun goes down.

We’ll explore more strategies to make the most of melatonin and support your overall well-being as we continue. Stick around for some enlightening insights!


Exposure to artificial blue light also raises your blood glucose and insulin levels, and it does so without you having to eat anything. High insulin levels are correlated with most of the comorbidities associated with aging like high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, weight gain etc.
The more you are exposed to artificial blue light, the more insulin you secrete, and the faster you age. In this state, it is easier to gain weight even if you eat a clean diet. After a while, you develop insulin resistance which worsens the symptoms of menopause.


Sleep disturbances are prevalent during menopause due to all hormonal changes. But, it is not only the hormones. The presence of artificial light further disrupts sleep, leading to insomnia and poor sleep quality. Sleep deprivation intensifies menopausal symptoms which then contributes to health issues such as fatigue, and cognitive impairment, and increases the risk of chronic diseases.

To be able to sleep, your brain needs to know that it’s night time. After sunset, there is no more blue light in Nature. This indicates to your brain that night is coming and that it’s time to wind down and prepare to rest.

“Modern lighting and screens have an unnatural spectrum of light equal to solar noon. This tricks our brains – after sunset – into thinking that it’s midday.”

Unfortunately, modern lighting and screens are blue light rich and have an unnatural spectrum equivalent to solar noon, tricking your brain into thinking that it’s midday. You are not supposed to rest in the middle of the day, you are supposed to be focused and active. Your brain acts accordingly by suppressing melatonin release and boosting cortisol production. Both of which are the exact opposite of what you need for a good night’s sleep.

Hot flashes and night sweats are hallmark symptoms of menopause, causing discomfort and disrupting sleep. Studies suggest that exposure to artificial light, particularly at night, can trigger or worsen these symptoms. The influence of light on the hypothalamus, the part of the brain responsible for regulating body temperature, may explain why women experience more frequent and intense hot flashes when exposed to artificial light.


Let’s talk about neurotransmitters, those amazing molecules that keep your brain and nervous system in tip-top shape. When they’re out of balance, all sorts of symptoms can show up: mood swings, anxiety, memory loss, depression, brain fog, lethargy, insomnia… you name it.

But here’s the fascinating part: when your eyes soak up some UV light, it triggers a magical process. This process takes a big molecule called POMC and turns it into a bunch of different chemicals. We’re talking neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, thyroid hormones, alpha-MSH, and beta-endorphins. These little superheroes are responsible for so many things: your motivation, mood, libido, metabolism, immune system regulation, energy levels, pain tolerance, and even how well you can fight inflammation.

Now, let’s shift gears for a moment. Artificial light, my friend, is the villain here. It messes with your ability to create these incredible molecules. And when that happens, it’s bad news. You end up feeling unfocused, your metabolism slows down, weight gain becomes an issue, brain fog takes over, fatigue kicks in, and inflammation becomes a problem.

That’s why it’s crucial to get yourself exposed to the natural spectrum of sunlight. It’s a game-changer. And while you’re at it, make sure you put some solutions in place to eliminate artificial light from your life. It’s time to take control!

Now, let’s get to the good stuff. How can you use light to your advantage and make your menopausal transition a little smoother?

I’ve got seven simple steps coming your way. They’ll help you optimize your environment and maximize the healthy light in your life. Trust me, you won’t want to miss these tips!

Seven Steps to help you thrive during the menopause

Create a sleep sanctuary:

Set yourself up for quality sleep by making your bedroom cool and dark. Consider blackout curtains or a sleep mask to block out light. The cool temperature will also soothe those pesky hot flashes and boost your energy levels.

Adopt a consistent sleep routine:

Say no to screens like TVs, smartphones, and tablets at least 1-2 hours before bedtime. Blue light exposure messes with your sleep hormones, so opt for calming activities like reading, yoga, meditation, or spending time with loved ones. Consistency is key to signal to your brain that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Get outside first thing in the morning:

Kickstart your circadian rhythm by soaking up sunlight in the morning. This tells your brain that it’s daytime and triggers the production of melatonin, which will be released later at night. It’s like giving your hormones a gentle nudge in the right direction, making the menopause journey smoother.

Seek natural light exposure:

Make the most of daylight by spending time outdoors during the day. Natural light helps regulate your circadian rhythm and keeps your hormones in check. Soak up the sun whenever you can, and let its warm embrace work its magic on your body.

Block artificial light with Vivarays Glasses:


After sunset, limit the amount of light exposure by closing the lights that aren’t necessary and by wearing a pair of Vivarays circadian light harmonizing glasses. They stop the frequencies of light absent after sunset in Nature from reaching your retina, allowing your circadian rhythm to stay synchronized. This, in turn, will optimize your hormone levels and your cortisol/melatonin cycle to give you energy during the day and deep and restorative sleep at night.

Wearing high-quality circadian light harmonizing glasses helps protect the important stores of melatonin you produce during the day and allows your body to release it at the appropriate time to give your body the much-needed rest and repair downtime it deserves.

Eat with the sun:

Align your meals with the sun’s journey. Try to have a breakfast rich in healthy fats and proteins within an hour of sunrise, and finish eating before sunset. Research suggests that timing your meals earlier in the day is beneficial for weight loss, energy, and overall well-being. Embrace the natural rhythm of eating when the sun is out.

Avoid snacking:

Say goodbye to frequent snacking. Snacking leads to rollercoaster blood sugar and insulin levels, which can cause inflammation and hormonal imbalances. Every time you eat, insulin spikes, and sustained high insulin levels can increase cortisol and lower sex hormone production. Opt for regular, balanced meals instead and let your body find its natural rhythm.

Remember, these steps are here to support you on your menopause journey. Implementing them gradually and staying consistent will make a noticeable difference in how you feel and thrive during this phase of life. Stay strong, my friend, and embrace these changes for your well-being!

Want to hear the podcast where I get the skinny from Roudy Nassif, creator of VivaRays, on how circadian rhythm management affects peri and menopause?

Check it out here!


Many women approach menopause with fear, concerned about the various symptoms associated with this stage of life. However, by harnessing the power of your circadian rhythm, you can make this transition more manageable. Following the seven simple steps outlined in this article will set you on the right path, helping to ease your symptoms and make menopause a more graceful period.

Your circadian rhythm is key to navigating menopause like a pro. Embrace the sunrise, soak up the sunlight, block artificial light, prioritize restful sleep, align your meals with the sun’s schedule, and resist the snacking temptations. These small daily changes all add up and will have a big impact on your journey through menopause.

Feel more empowered now? Rest assured!

Dance through menopause with the rhythm of your body, and show the world that you’re unstoppable.

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