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New Clients at Betty Murray’s Office

Welcome to our practice! Over the past 20 years, Dr. Betty has examined what made her most successful clients achieve the best outcomes. She found that those who worked with a team of professionals, each skilled in their own unique way, got the best results in the shortest period of time.

Through this experience, she has designed programs that help clients achieve faster, long-lasting results. Work with Betty and our team of physicians, nurse practitioners, licensed practitioner in your state (if you are receiving bioidentical hormone therapy) and health coaches, all trained and mentored by Dr. Betty.

She takes you by the hand, providing health insights that others have overlooked, and equips you with tailored treatments and practical tools for your recovery. What sets her program apart is the unparalleled level of support and accessibility. This is where your transformative journey begins. Dr. Betty and her team’s approach goes beyond just analyzing lab values; she sees you as a whole person. By focusing on optimizing hormone, thyroid, and metabolic function, she examines all the factors contributing to hormone dysfunction and its symptoms. Her goal is to restore your health comprehensively, allowing you to reclaim your life and vitality.

Our Online Intake Process

Your first appointment will be with one of Dr. Betty’s nurse practitioners. Before your first appointment with your nurse practitioner, we have a three-part online intake process. It goes in-depth into your history and story of what’s been going on over your lifetime. Specifically, we get a highly detailed functional medicine history. If you’ve had lab work or previous scans done, please bring or upload those as well. We will determine what other labs you may need.

After filling out your health history, you will meet with your nurse practitioner to review your health history, previous labs, and determine the right next step for you, including labs, diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes. We also typically run comprehensive hormone labs before your first visit.

Initial Steps with Your Health Coach

After this appointment, your health coach will help you get started on some dietary and lifestyle changes. Your health coach is your secret weapon to getting result consistently and fast because they help you implement change and make them stick.

Your First Appointment

Your nurse practitioner will review your health history, comprehensive labs prior to your visit and develop and plan. We also encourage you to share your medications and supplements so we know what you’re taking. During your first visit, which usually lasts about an hour, we will have a detailed conversation about your health journey:

  • Where have you been?
  • What has happened up to this point with your health?
  • What have you tried, and what haven’t you tried?
  • What diagnostics have you done?

Crafting a Personalized Plan

Our team asks many questions to identify what’s been missing and find solutions to your health problems. From there, she will build a program tailored to your needs and outline the path to addressing your particular issues.

Maintenance Plans and Course

All clients work with a nurse practitioner, a licensed practitioner in your state (if you are receiving bioidentical hormone therapy) and health coach throughout their program to ensure ongoing support and guidance. Our team is dedicated to helping you maintain your health improvements and achieve your long-term wellness goal.

Take That First Step Today

Contact our practice to schedule a convenient appointment. We look forward to helping you enjoy optimal health.


New Clients at Betty Murray’s Office | (972) 930-0260